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μεταχειρισμένα The Oxford Illustrated History of Modern Europe

Modern Europeans, argues T. C. W. Blanning, are characterized by the conviction that the ground is moving beneath their feet. Among other things, it has given them a strong sense of dynamism: the world is changing, it can be changed, and so it should be changed. Indeed, in the last two centuries, modern Europeans have transformed not only their continent but the world.
This lavishly illustrated history of Europe from the late eighteenth century to the present day offers a fascinating guide to the momentous events, achievements, and personalities that have stamped their mark on the continent. Written by an international team of leading scholars, The Oxford Illustrated History of Modern Europe is at once authoritative, stimulating, and accessible, presenting both change and continuity, revolution and stability--not only in politics but also in the economic, social, cultural, and military realms. Here Europe's turbulent history is traced, from the beginnings of the Revolution in France to the dawn of two world wars to the breakup of the Soviet Union to today's kaleidoscope of nation-states. The achievements (and failures) of key figures from many arenas--politics, technology, warfare, religion, and the arts among them--are drawn vividly, including the contributions of such disparate characters as Louis XVIII of France, Gottlieb Daimler, and Andre Maginot. Social, cultural, and economic insights are included alongside the record of geopolitical strife: we read of the personality cult as exemplified by the Soviet portraits glorifying Lenin; the importance of the nylon stocking in the post-World War II economic boom; the influence of religion as five new nations (Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Romania, and Albania) emerged between 1871 and 1914--an influence that continues to be both vigorous and deadly; and the confrontation between traditional and modern cultures captured as the railway age began in Russia.
Insightful, provocative, and intellectually rewarding, this book offers an unparalleled, informed perspective on the history of the continent. The only fully illustrated general history of modern Europe available--more than 240 illustrations, including many in full color, complement the text throughout--The Oxford Illustrated History of Modern Europe will give every reader a better understanding of the world in which we live, how it came to be what it is, and where it may be going next."