€ 123,00

μεταχειρισμένα Καινούριο! Limited edition! La Nilsson: Complete Decca, DG & Philips recordings, 2 DVD - 79 CD


La Nilsson - Complete Decca: Deutsche Grammophon : Philips Recordings. Mint Condition Limited Edition of 79-CD + 2-DVD covering all the major roles Nilsson performed 27 full-length operas including 2 full Wagner Ring cycles.
Birgit Nilssons complete Decca, Philips and Deutsche Grammophon recordings marking her 100th birthday and produced with the full support of the Birgit Nilsson Foundation
Handsome packaging includes CDs presented in wallets with a spine and with original sleeve art encased in an anti-scratch rigid box with magnetic-hinged lid.
Beyond the operas recorded for Decca, Philips and DG include 4 operas recorded for EMI (now Warner Classics): Aida, La Fanciulla del West, Turandot and Der Freischütz; as well as her earlier 1959 Turandot under Leinsdorf for RCA.
200-page perfect bound book, in English and German, including:
New essay Apotheosis Achieved by Raymond McGill